Saturday, April 23, 2011

Impossible Dream 2

All right, after the success of my Trollblood Impossible Dream back in December (pretty much everything but my Fennblades got painted - woo fully painted lists!) I've decided to apply the same pressure to myself to get my mercs painted. I don't have a huge amount of them to do, but it comes out to 51 points that needs my love and attention so that I can field them and not feel like such a tool. The Goal is to have these all painted by the end of June (technically I shouldn't start until June, but we'll see if I have time).

Impossible Dream 2

Merc Country

Stannis Brocker 4pts

Steelhead Riflemen (10) 9pts

- Painted to match Macbain's Traitor Green

Steelhead Halberdiers (10) 6pts

- Painted to match Magnus' Exile Blue

Steelhead Halberdiers (10) 6pts

- Painted to match Macbain's Traitor Green

Drake Macbain (+6pts)

Nomad 6pts

- Painted to match Macbain's Traitor Green

Blythe and Bull 4pts

Dougal Macnaile 2pts

Magnus the Warlord (+6pts)

Kell Bailoch 2pts

51 pts

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